You can help us build CodeCrafters in the following ways:

Vote on challenge/extension ideas

Help us prioritize which and to build next by voting on ideas. You can also submit your own ideas for challenges and extensions.

  • Required Skills: None, just a desire to learn new things!
  • Effort: Takes under a minute to vote on an idea.

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Add language support

Help us add support for new languages. Most challenges are language-agnostic and can support any language with some configuration.

  • Required Skills: Familiarity with the language you want to add support for, and basic knowledge of Dockerfiles.
  • Effort: It usually takes 1-2 hours to add support for a new language.

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Build concepts

Build Concepts that teach a programming concepts in a engaging way, and earn a share of the revenue they generate.

This program is currently invite-only to ensure we can provide a great experience. If you’re interested in building concepts, request an invite.

  • Required Skills: Technical knowledge of the concept you want to teach, ability to explain concepts in a clear and engaging way.
  • Effort: Usually takes 1-4 hours to build a concept.

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